business person in yellow jacket doing account reconciliation
Learn how account reconciliation works and how to resolve discrepancies. Discover tips for automating and streamlining your reconciliation process.
A illustration of a shop and money on a scale
Tackle franchise billing challenges with automation, customer portals, and real-time tracking. Boost efficiency and trust between franchisors & franchisees.
Remittance advice spelled out on a folder
Remittance advice ensures accurate payment tracking. Discover its purpose, types, and how AI can streamline the process.
National Accounts Receivable Day
This year, celebrate accounts receivable professionals who help your business run smoothly on National Accounts Receivable Appreciation Day.
accountant's hand with a holographic for artificial intelligence
Want to get paid faster? See how AI and automation can improve efficiency, reduce delays, and optimize your invoice-to-cash process.
stack of cash by a printed invoice and pen
Invoice to cash is key to healthy cash flow. Discover what it is, how it works, and how automation can improve efficiency in your business.
2 puzzles pieces conjoining
Cash application is the process of applying incoming payments to the corresponding unpaid invoice or outstanding account balance. Learn more.
checklist, calculator, and accounting person
Estimates and invoices are not the same — discover their key differences and how automating them can benefit your business.

Get paid faster

Interested in learning how to put your billing on autopilot?