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Cash application is the process of applying incoming payments to the corresponding unpaid invoice or outstanding account balance. Learn more.
Accounts receivable management involves tracking and securing customer payments. Learn how to improve the process with these best practices.
picture of an invoice
Learn about pro forma invoices, an invoice type that can remove the element of surprise from your sales efforts and avoid stress.
man standing in an office and reviewing documents
Here’s why you might have a negative accounts receivable balance. Hint: It doesn’t always mean you have negative cash flow.
Learn about the 10 key Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), additional constraints, and all things GAAP compliance.
online fraudster
Learn about common types of invoice fraud, how to avoid falling for these scams, how to report fake invoices, and more.
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A guide to help you increase your business’s working capital, whether you’re short on funds or simply want to improve your bottom line.
text reading days payable outstanding
DPO is an A/P metric that tracks how much time passes between when your business receives an invoice and when it pays it. Learn more here.
days sales outstanding graphic
DSO helps business measure the average number of days it takes to receive payment for goods provided or services rendered. Here’s why that matters.
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Explore the meaning and uses of contra accounts — accounts that provide helpful context for the parent account with which they’re paired.

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