business person in yellow jacket doing account reconciliation
Learn how account reconciliation works and how to resolve discrepancies. Discover tips for automating and streamlining your reconciliation process.
Remittance advice spelled out on a folder
Remittance advice ensures accurate payment tracking. Discover its purpose, types, and how AI can streamline the process.
stack of cash by a printed invoice and pen
Invoice to cash is key to healthy cash flow. Discover what it is, how it works, and how automation can improve efficiency in your business.
2 puzzles pieces conjoining
Cash application is the process of applying incoming payments to the corresponding unpaid invoice or outstanding account balance. Learn more.
checklist, calculator, and accounting person
Estimates and invoices are not the same — discover their key differences and how automating them can benefit your business.
A credit card with an exclamation point on a wood block next to it
Average Days Delinquent measures the typical delay in customer payments beyond their due dates. Learn how this metric works and why it’s crucial for your business.
banner saying "credit note"
A simple guide to credit notes — what they are, how they work, and how to use them for correcting billing errors and managing finances.
kpi blocks on a numbered background
Gain an understanding of what KPIs matter for your A/P department, including quick access to the formulas you need to calculate them.
Two sides of the same coin, A/P refers to money your company owes suppliers, while accounts receivable refers to the money customers owe your company.
Permanent accounts indicate ongoing business progress. Temporary accounts indicate activity within a certain fiscal period. Learn more here.

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