person sending a wire transfer through a laptop and phone
Wire transfers are a quick way for businesses to send or receive funds either domestically or internationally. Learn how they work, the pros and cons, & more.
stack of credit cards on a laptop keyboard
ACH payments and credit cards are not the same. Discover how they compare and which one is better for your business including the pros and cons.
Wooden Block Letters ACH on graph background with pen
ACH payments are electronic, bank-to-bank payments that are particularly useful in B2B transactions. Learn what it is, how it works, types, benefits, and more.
Blue binder labeled payment terms next to a clock and a pen
Explore invoice payment terms, types, examples, strategies on how you can get paid faster, and more in our comprehensive guide for businesses.
chargeback illustration with a credit card, round golden money coin, and an arrow
Avoid punitive fees and improve your bottom line with these time-tested strategies for consistently avoiding and preventing chargebacks.
Person with a laptop and credit card making a payment online.
Credit card processing fees for business transactions are unavoidable, but there are ways you can reduce these charges. Learn how to minimize them here.
Virtual card payments are on the rise. Learn what they are, how they work, their benefits, and how your business can implement their use.
Learn how to track and calculate the most important accounts receivable KPIs you need to measure your business’s success. Includes examples.
bad debt expense
Learn about bad debt expenses, allowance for doubtful accounts, how to calculate and handle bad debt, and how to reduce its occurrence in your A/R.
invoice factoring
Invoice factoring can help companies improve cash flow. Discover how it works, the advantages and disadvantages, and alternatives to invoice factoring.

Get paid faster

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