bad debt expense
Learn about bad debt expenses, allowance for doubtful accounts, how to calculate and handle bad debt, and how to reduce its occurrence in your A/R.
invoice factoring
Invoice factoring can help companies improve cash flow. Discover how it works, the advantages and disadvantages, and alternatives to invoice factoring.
early payment discount
Offering early payment discounts can improve cash flow but first you need to understand the types, benefits, drawbacks, and how to use them properly.
stacks of coin money increasing
To improve your accounts receivable, you’ll want to standardize your invoicing and collections, leverage AR aging reports, simplify payments, & more.
Accounts receivable for small businesses
Learn everything you need to know about small business accounts receivable from how to manage it to the challenges you may face and how to solve them.
What is working capital
Working capital tracks the funds required to meet a business’s expenses. Learn more about how to understand what your business has vs. owes.
hand stacking coins on a game board
Working capital management reflects the actions that your business may take to more effectively use its cash and resources. Learn more here.
illustration of a hand holding coins
Dunning management focuses on financial recovery efforts related to failed transactions, most commonly credit card purchases. Learn more.
piggy bank key on a keyboard
Dunning is a process that helps businesses handle overdue payments from their customers. Learn how to best handle the dunning process here.
AR Collection Call Scripts: What to Say and How to Say It
Collection calls can be uncomfortable and getting them right requires effort before you pick up the phone. Learn how to be successful here!

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